Deep Dive into the Event Loop: Understanding Node.js Internals

Smit Patel
12 min readJul 22, 2023


Node.js, built on Chrome’s V8 engine, is renowned for its non-blocking, event-driven architecture, making it highly efficient for handling concurrent requests. At the heart of Node.js lies the Event Loop, a critical component responsible for managing asynchronous operations. In this blog, we will take a comprehensive journey into the Event Loop of Node.js to demystify its internals and understand how it enables Node.js to handle I/O operations efficiently.

Node.JS Event Loop

The Basics of the Event Loop: 🔄

The Event Loop is like a merry-go-round for asynchronous tasks in Node.js! It keeps spinning, handling timers, I/O operations, and callbacks, ensuring non-blocking magic. 🎠

We’ll use a timer to simulate an asynchronous task and see how the Event Loop works.

console.log('Start of the program');

// Simulate an asynchronous task using setTimeout
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Async task is complete! 🎉');
}, 2000); // 2 seconds delay

console.log('End of the program');

Output: -

Start of the program
End of the program
Async task is complete! 🎉

Here’s what happens step-by-step:

  1. The program starts executing, and the first message “Start of the program” is logged.
  2. The setTimeout function is called, which schedules the asynchronous task (the callback function) to run after a 2-second delay.
  3. While waiting for the delay to complete, the program continues executing. The message “End of the program” is logged.
  4. After 2 seconds, the delay is over, and the Event Loop picks up the callback function to execute. The message “Async task is complete! 🎉” is logged.

The Event Loop keeps spinning, handling both the synchronous parts of the program (like logging messages) and asynchronous tasks (like the setTimeout callback). It ensures that the program remains responsive and doesn't block while waiting for the asynchronous task to complete. Instead, it continues processing other tasks and callbacks, keeping the Node.js application performant and efficient.

The “merry-go-round” analogy fits well here, as the Event Loop keeps the async tasks in motion, and as they complete, it takes the next one in line, ensuring a seamless and non-blocking flow of execution. 🔄🎠

Phases of the Event Loop: ⏱️

From timers to I/O callbacks and idle to poll phases, the Event Loop’s phases synchronize Node.js’ asynchronous dance! Timing is everything!⏲️

Event Phase

We’ll use various functions like setTimeout, setImmediate, and process.nextTick to showcase each phase of the Event Loop.

console.log('Start of the program');

// Phase 1: Timers
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Timer phase: Timer callback executed! ⏱️');
}, 2000);

// Phase 2: I/O Callbacks
const readFileCallback = () => {
console.log('I/O Callbacks phase: File read operation completed! 📂');

// Simulate an I/O operation with setTimeout
setTimeout(readFileCallback, 1000);

// Phase 3: Immediate Callbacks
setImmediate(() => {
console.log('Immediate Callbacks phase: Immediate callback executed! ⏲️');

// Phase 4: Close Callbacks
const handleClose = () => {
console.log('Close Callbacks phase: Resource closed! 🔒');

// Simulate a close event with setTimeout
setTimeout(handleClose, 3000);

// Phase 5: Next Tick
process.nextTick(() => {
console.log('Next Tick phase: Next tick callback executed! 🌟');

console.log('End of the program');

Output: -

Start of the program
End of the program
Next Tick phase: Next tick callback executed! 🌟
I/O Callbacks phase: File read operation completed! 📂
Immediate Callbacks phase: Immediate callback executed! ⏲️
Timer phase: Timer callback executed! ⏱️
Close Callbacks phase: Resource closed! 🔒

Here’s the order of execution and the breakdown of each phase:

  1. Phase 1: Timers — The setTimeout with a 2-second delay schedules a timer callback. However, before executing it, other phases are processed first.
  2. Phase 2: I/O Callbacks — The setTimeout with a 1-second delay simulates an I/O operation (file read) and schedules a callback to be executed after the I/O operation completes.
  3. Phase 3: Immediate Callbacks — The setImmediate schedules an immediate callback, which will be executed in the Immediate Callbacks phase.
  4. Phase 4: Close Callbacks — The setTimeout with a 3-second delay simulates a close event and schedules a callback to be executed after the delay.
  5. Phase 5: Next Tick — The process.nextTick schedules a callback to be executed in the Next Tick phase. This phase occurs before the next iteration of the Event Loop.
  6. Messages in the Callback Queue are processed, starting with I/O Callbacks. The message from the setTimeout with a 1-second delay executes its callback, and the message from setImmediate executes its callback.
  7. The Timer phase triggers after the 2-second delay, executing the timer callback from the setTimeout with a 2-second delay.
  8. The Close Callbacks phase triggers after the 3-second delay, executing the callback simulating a close event.
  9. Finally, the Next Tick phase executes the callback scheduled with process.nextTick, which occurs before the next iteration of the Event Loop.

This example showcases how the Event Loop handles tasks in different phases, demonstrating the synchronization of Node.js’ asynchronous dance. Timing indeed plays a crucial role in managing and processing tasks efficiently within the Event Loop. ⏱️⏲️🌟

Non-Blocking I/O Operations: 📦 🌐

Imagine Node.js like a wizard juggling many tasks (I/O operations) in parallel, never getting stuck, and always ready to amaze with fast responses! 🎩✨

I/O operations

We’ll use the built-in fs module to demonstrate reading multiple files concurrently.

const fs = require('fs');

console.log('Start of the program');

// Array of file paths to read
const filePaths = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt'];

// Function to read a file and log its contents
const readFile = (filePath) => {
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Error reading ${filePath}: ${err.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Contents of ${filePath}:`);

// Read each file concurrently
filePaths.forEach((filePath) => {

console.log('End of the program');

In this example, we have an array of file paths, and we use the fs.readFile function to read each file asynchronously. The readFile function reads a file and logs its contents.

When you run this script, you’ll see the following output (assuming file contents are “Hello from fileX.txt”):

Start of the program
End of the program
Contents of file1.txt:
Hello from file1.txt
Contents of file2.txt:
Hello from file2.txt
Contents of file3.txt:
Hello from file3.txt

Here’s what happens step-by-step:

  1. The program starts executing, and the message “Start of the program” is logged.
  2. The readFile function is called for each file path in the array. Node.js reads the files concurrently, without waiting for one file to finish reading before moving to the next one. This is the non-blocking nature of Node.js in action.
  3. While the file reads are in progress, the program continues executing. The message “End of the program” is logged.
  4. As the file reads complete, the respective contents of each file are logged to the console.

This example demonstrates how Node.js efficiently handles I/O operations without getting stuck, thanks to its non-blocking nature. It reads multiple files concurrently, juggling these tasks like a skilled wizard, and amazes us with fast responses as the contents of each file are logged almost simultaneously. 📦🌐🎩✨

Please note that the order of file read completion may vary due to the asynchronous nature of Node.js. The key point is that Node.js handles the I/O operations in parallel, ensuring that one task does not block the execution of others, providing fast and responsive performance.

Timers and the Timers Phase: ⏰

With setTimeout and setInterval, Node.js sets timers to keep track of asynchronous tasks. Like a patient alarm clock, it knows when to wake things up! 🕰️

Certainly! Let’s create an example to demonstrate how Node.js uses timers with setTimeout and setInterval to execute asynchronous tasks after specific delays or at regular intervals.

Time is up! ⏰
console.log('Start of the program');

// Timer using setTimeout
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Timeout: Time is up! ⏰');
}, 3000); // 3 seconds delay

// Timer using setInterval
let counter = 1;
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
console.log(`Interval: Task ${counter} executed! 🔄`);

if (counter > 3) {
console.log('Interval: All tasks completed! 🎉');
}, 1000); // 1-second interval

console.log('End of the program');

When you run this script, you’ll see the following output:

Start of the program
End of the program
Interval: Task 1 executed! 🔄
Timeout: Time is up! ⏰
Interval: Task 2 executed! 🔄
Interval: Task 3 executed! 🔄
Interval: All tasks completed! 🎉

Here’s what happens step-by-step:

  1. The program starts executing, and the message “Start of the program” is logged.
  2. A setTimeout is scheduled to execute after a 3-second delay. The timeout callback "Timeout: Time is up! ⏰" will be executed after the specified delay.
  3. A setInterval is set to execute a callback every 1 second. The interval callback "Interval: Task X executed! 🔄" is logged every second until the counter reaches 4.
  4. While the timers are running, the program continues executing, and the message “End of the program” is logged.
  5. After 1 second, the interval callback is executed with “Interval: Task 1 executed! 🔄”.
  6. After 2 seconds, the interval callback is executed again with “Interval: Task 2 executed! 🔄”.
  7. After 3 seconds, the setTimeout callback is executed with "Timeout: Time is up! ⏰".
  8. After 4 seconds, the interval callback is executed for the last time with “Interval: Task 3 executed! 🔄”.
  9. The setInterval is then cleared using clearInterval, and the message "Interval: All tasks completed! 🎉" is logged.

This example demonstrates how Node.js uses timers to schedule and execute asynchronous tasks after specific delays or at regular intervals. The setTimeout acts like a patient alarm clock, waking up the task after the specified delay, while the setInterval acts like a diligent timekeeper, executing the task repeatedly at the set interval until explicitly stopped. 🕰️⏰🔄🎉

Node.js’s timer functionalities are essential for managing time-sensitive tasks, scheduling background jobs, and handling time-dependent events, making it a powerful tool for various applications.

I/O Polling and the Poll Phase: 🔍

The Event Loop tirelessly searches for new I/O events. It’s like a detective on the lookout, ready to handle incoming data and execute callbacks! 🕵️‍♂️

We’ll use the fs module to demonstrate reading a file and show how the Event Loop searches for new I/O events and executes the corresponding callbacks.


Assume we have a file named “data.txt” with some content for this example.

const fs = require('fs');

console.log('Start of the program');

// Read file asynchronously
fs.readFile('data.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error reading file:', err.message);
} else {
console.log('File content:', data);

console.log('End of the program');

When you run this script, you’ll see the following output:

Start of the program
End of the program
File content: This is some sample data.

Here’s what happens step-by-step:

  1. The program starts executing, and the message “Start of the program” is logged.
  2. The fs.readFile function is called to read the "data.txt" file asynchronously. The callback is not executed immediately, and the program moves to the next step.
  3. The program logs “End of the program.”
  4. The Event Loop enters the Poll Phase, where it checks for I/O events, including reading the “data.txt” file.
  5. The Event Loop detects that the file read operation has completed, and it executes the corresponding callback.
  6. The callback logs the file content “File content: This is some sample data.”

In this analogy, the Event Loop acts like a vigilant detective 🔍🕵️‍♂️ on the lookout for new I/O events, ensuring that the program remains responsive and continues to handle incoming data and execute callbacks as soon as they are available. This makes Node.js highly efficient in dealing with I/O operations, such as reading files, making network requests, and handling other I/O-related tasks.

Immediate Callbacks: ⚡️

setImmediate() ensures callbacks take the front seat during the Event Loop’s ride, jumping in right after the poll phase! Quick and responsive! 🚀

console.log('Start of the program');

// Callback using setImmediate
setImmediate(() => {
console.log('Immediate callback executed! ⚡️');

console.log('End of the program');

Output: -

Start of the program
End of the program
Immediate callback executed! ⚡️

Debugging the Event Loop: 🔍🐞

Unleash the detective within! Use Node.js Inspector to spy on the Event Loop and identify any slow performers or misbehaving functions! 🕵️‍♀️🔦

we’ll create a simple example with a delay and use the Inspector to observe the execution.

Open your terminal and run the Node.js script with the --inspect flag to enable the Inspector:

node --inspect eventLoopDebug.js

Create a file named eventLoopDebug.js with the following content:

console.log('Start of the program');

// Delay function
const delay = (ms) => {
const start =;
while ( - start < ms) {}

// Simulate a time-consuming operation with delay
delay(5000); // 5 seconds delay

console.log('End of the program');

After running the script, you’ll see an output similar to the following:

Debugger listening on ws://<some_random_id>
For help, see:
Chrome DevTools
Chrome DevTools
  1. Open a Chrome browser and enter chrome://inspect in the address bar. Click the "Open dedicated DevTools for Node" link. This will open the DevTools for inspecting your Node.js application.
  2. In the DevTools, go to the “Sources” tab, and you’ll find your script listed under “file://.” Click on the script to set breakpoints and inspect the code.
  3. Now, click the “Play” button to resume the execution of your script.
  4. While the script is running, you can observe the Event Loop behavior, any slow performers, or functions causing potential issues. You can pause the script at any point using the “Pause” button in the DevTools.
  5. Use the “Call Stack” and “Async Stack” sections in the “Sources” tab to identify which functions are currently running and causing potential bottlenecks.

In this example, the delay function is time-consuming and may block the Event Loop, leading to slower performance. By using the Node.js Inspector, you can identify this issue and optimize your code for better performance.

Please note that the example above shows a basic use case of the Node.js Inspector. For more complex applications, you can set breakpoints, watch variables, and perform detailed debugging to identify and resolve performance-related problems in your Node.js application. 🕵️‍♀️🔦🔍🐞

Remember to use the Node.js Inspector judiciously in production environments, as it may introduce some overhead. Use it primarily in development or staging environments for debugging and performance profiling.

Advanced Event Loop Techniques: 🔄✨

With process.nextTick() and setImmediate(), Node.js adds some special moves to the dance, allowing callbacks to cut in line! The show goes on!🕺

console.log('Start of the program');

// Advanced Event Loop Techniques
process.nextTick(() => {
console.log('Next Tick callback executed! 🌟');

setImmediate(() => {
console.log('Immediate callback executed! ⚡️');

console.log('End of the program');

When you run this script, you’ll see the following output:

Start of the program
End of the program
Next Tick callback executed! 🌟
Immediate callback executed! ⚡️

Here’s what happens step-by-step:

  1. The program starts executing, and the message “Start of the program” is logged.
  2. process.nextTick allows the callback to cut in line, so the "Next Tick callback executed! 🌟" is executed before moving to the next phase of the Event Loop.
  3. setImmediate schedules its callback to be executed after the Poll Phase.
  4. The program continues executing, and the message “End of the program” is logged.
  5. The Event Loop processes the Next Tick phase immediately and executes the callback, logging “Next Tick callback executed! 🌟”.
  6. After all other phases are processed, the Event Loop triggers the Immediate Callbacks phase and executes the setImmediate callback, logging “Immediate callback executed! ⚡️”.

In this example, process.nextTick() allows the callback to cut in line, making it execute before any other phase of the Event Loop. On the other hand, setImmediate() schedules its callback to be executed right after the Poll Phase, but after all the other phases like Next Tick.

The advanced Event Loop techniques provide developers with more control over the order of callback execution, ensuring the show goes on smoothly with well-choreographed callbacks 🔄✨🕺. These techniques can be useful in specific scenarios, especially when you need to prioritize certain tasks or perform time-sensitive operations in your Node.js application.

Conclusion: Understanding the Event Loop is essential for writing efficient and performant Node.js applications. By grasping the intricacies of its phases and how Node.js handles asynchronous tasks, developers can build scalable, non-blocking applications capable of handling thousands of concurrent connections. Embrace this knowledge to optimize your Node.js applications and deliver exceptional user experiences. Happy coding! 🚀

Thank You!



Smit Patel

Passionate about crafting efficient and scalable solutions to solve complex problems. Follow me for practical tips and deep dives into cutting-edge technologies