MongoDB Best Practices: 🚀 Optimizing Performance and Reliability

Smit Patel
10 min readAug 12, 2023


MongoDB has gained widespread popularity as a powerful NoSQL database solution, offering flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. However, to harness its full potential, developers must adhere to best practices that ensure optimal performance and reliability. In this brief guide, we’ll explore essential MongoDB best practices that can help you build robust applications. 🏗️

MongoDB Best Practices

1. Data Modeling for Performance:

Careful data modeling is crucial in MongoDB. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB is schema-less, allowing flexibility but requiring thoughtful design. Consider the following tips:

Data Modeling for Performance
  • Embedding vs. Referencing: Decide whether to embed related data within a single document or reference it across multiple documents. Embedding can lead to faster queries, but referencing is more suitable for large datasets. 📚


Imagine you’re building an e-commerce application, and you have two entities: User and Order.

You can choose to embed the order details within the user document. This approach is suitable when orders are small and directly related to a user.

"_id": ObjectId("user_id"),
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"orders": [
"orderNumber": "12345",
"totalAmount": 100.00,
"items": [
{ "productId": ObjectId("product_id"), "quantity": 2 },
{ "productId": ObjectId("another_product_id"), "quantity": 1 }
// Other orders...


However, if orders are complex with many fields and you want to maintain a separation between users and orders, you can reference orders from the user document.

User Document:

"_id": ObjectId("user_id"),
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""

Order Document:

"_id": ObjectId("order_id"),
"userId": ObjectId("user_id"),
"orderNumber": "12345",
"totalAmount": 100.00,
"items": [
{ "productId": ObjectId("product_id"), "quantity": 2 },
{ "productId": ObjectId("another_product_id"), "quantity": 1 }
  • Normalize Where Necessary: Normalize data when relationships are complex or there’s a need for consistency. Balance between embedding and referencing based on your application’s requirements. ⚖️

Consider a blogging platform where you have User, Post, and Comment entities.

You might choose to keep users, posts, and comments separate to ensure data consistency and flexibility.

User Document:

"_id": ObjectId("user_id"),
"name": "Alice"

Post Document:

"_id": ObjectId("post_id"),
"userId": ObjectId("user_id"),
"title": "Introduction to Data Modeling",
"content": "..."

Comment Document:

"_id": ObjectId("comment_id"),
"postId": ObjectId("post_id"),
"userId": ObjectId("user_id"),
"text": "Great article!"

By normalizing the data, you ensure that changes to user data (like a user’s name) are reflected consistently across posts and comments.

2. Indexing Strategies:

Indexes significantly impact query performance. Utilize appropriate indexes to speed up queries:

  • Compound Indexes: Combine multiple fields in a single index to support multi-field queries. 📊

Imagine you have a collection of Products and you frequently query products based on both their category and price range.

Without an index, querying might be slow as MongoDB would need to scan through the entire collection. However, you can create a compound index on the category and price fields to significantly speed up these queries.

db.products.createIndex({ category: 1, price: 1 });

With this compound index in place, queries like the following will benefit from it:

// Querying by category and price range
db.products.find({ category: "Electronics", price: { $gte: 100, $lte: 500 } });
  • Covering Indexes: Include all necessary fields in an index to prevent the need for additional data fetching. 📑

Consider a collection of Orders where you often need to retrieve order numbers and their total amounts. Instead of fetching additional data from the document, you can create a covering index.

db.orders.createIndex({ orderNumber: 1, totalAmount: 1 });

With this covering index, the following query can be satisfied using only the index and without needing to access the actual documents:

// Querying for order numbers and total amounts
db.orders.find({ orderNumber: "12345" }, { _id: 0, orderNumber: 1, totalAmount: 1 });
  • Avoid Over-Indexing: Unnecessary indexes consume storage and slow down write operations. ❌

While indexes improve query performance, having too many indexes can lead to unnecessary overhead during write operations and consume more storage.

For instance, if you have a Users collection, creating an index on every individual field might not be necessary. Instead, carefully choose indexes that align with the most frequent and important query patterns in your application.

// Avoid over-indexing
db.users.createIndex({ username: 1 });
db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 });
// ... Avoid creating indexes for every single field

In this case, you might create indexes on fields that are frequently used for searching or filtering, rather than indexing every field in the collection.

3. Optimize Query Performance:

Efficient queries are key to a responsive application. Follow these practices:

Optimize Query Performance
  • Use the Aggregation Framework: For complex data manipulations, use MongoDB’s powerful aggregation framework. 🔄

Suppose you have an e-commerce application with a Products collection, and you want to calculate the average price of products in a specific category.

Instead of retrieving all products in that category and performing the calculation in your application code, you can use the aggregation framework to directly compute the average price in the database:

{ $match: { category: "Electronics" } }, // Filter products in the desired category
{ $group: { _id: null, avgPrice: { $avg: "$price" } } } // Calculate the average price
  • Limit and Skip with Caution: Avoid using excessive skip and limit operations, as they can be slow on large datasets. ⏳

Consider a blog platform where you want to implement pagination for listing blog posts. While limit and skip can be used for pagination, excessive usage can be slow on large datasets

// Retrieve the first 10 blog posts for the second page
db.posts.find().limit(10).skip(10); // Avoid excessive skip operations

For efficient pagination, consider using a cursor-based approach with a unique field like _id:

// Retrieve 10 blog posts after a specific _id
db.posts.find({ _id: { $gt: lastId } }).limit(10);
  • Use Projection: Retrieve only necessary fields to reduce data transfer and speed up queries. 🎯

Imagine you’re building a dashboard that displays only the names and email addresses of users.

Instead of retrieving the entire user documents, you can use projection to retrieve only the necessary fields, reducing data transfer and improving query performance:

// Retrieve only the names and email addresses of users
db.users.find({}, { _id: 0, name: 1, email: 1 });

By specifying { _id: 0, name: 1, email: 1 }, you indicate that only the name and email fields should be returned in the result.

4. Scaling and Sharding:

MongoDB’s horizontal scalability is one of its strengths. Plan for future growth with sharding:

Scaling and Sharding
  • Choose a Sharding Key Carefully: The sharding key affects how data is distributed across shards. Select a key that evenly distributes data and avoids hotspots. 🔑

Suppose you’re building a social media platform, and you want to shard the Posts collection to distribute data across multiple shards. A suitable sharding key would be the userId field, as it's evenly distributed and related to the querying pattern.

// Enable sharding on the database

// Shard the Posts collection using the userId field as the sharding key
sh.shardCollection("social_media_db.Posts", { "userId": 1 });

By sharding based on the userId, the data of each user will be distributed across shards, ensuring a balanced distribution of data and avoiding hotspots.

  • Monitor Shard Balancing: Keep an eye on shard distribution and balance as data grows to ensure even performance. 📈

As your data grows, it’s important to keep an eye on shard distribution and balance to maintain even performance. MongoDB’s built-in balancer ensures data is evenly distributed across shards.

You can check the status of shard balancing using the following commands:

// Check the status of the balancer

// View information about chunks and their distribution

If the balancer state is on and the chunk distribution is uneven, MongoDB’s balancer will automatically migrate chunks between shards to balance the load. Monitoring these states and running these commands periodically can help ensure even performance across shards.

By carefully choosing a sharding key and actively monitoring shard distribution, you can effectively harness MongoDB’s horizontal scalability to accommodate growing data while maintaining optimal performance.

5. Ensure High Availability:

MongoDB offers features to ensure data availability even in the face of failures:

High Availability
  • Replica Sets: Use replica sets to maintain multiple copies of data across different servers. This provides redundancy and automatic failover. 🔄

A replica set consists of multiple MongoDB instances that host the same data, ensuring redundancy and automatic failover in case of a primary node failure.

Setting Up a Replica Set:

Suppose you’re setting up a replica set for your MyApp database. You'll need to start multiple instances, configure them as members of the replica set, and initiate the set.

// Start three MongoDB instances on different ports
mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /data/rs1
mongod --port 27018 --dbpath /data/rs2
mongod --port 27019 --dbpath /data/rs3

// Connect to one instance and initiate the replica set
mongo --port 27017
_id: "MyAppReplicaSet",
members: [
{ _id: 0, host: "localhost:27017" },
{ _id: 1, host: "localhost:27018" },
{ _id: 2, host: "localhost:27019" }

After setting up the replica set, MongoDB will automatically elect a primary node and maintain secondary nodes that replicate data from the primary. If the primary node fails, one of the secondaries will be elected as the new primary, ensuring high availability.

  • Read Concern and Write Concern: Choose appropriate read and write concerns based on the level of data consistency required. 📚

Read concern and write concern settings allow you to control the level of data consistency and durability for read and write operations.

Example of Read Concern:

Suppose you want to perform a read operation and ensure you receive the most up-to-date data.

// Read concern "majority" ensures that the read operation reflects the majority of data

Example of Write Concern:

For critical write operations, you might want to ensure that the data is safely written to the majority of the replica set members before considering the write successful.

// Write concern "majority" ensures that the write is acknowledged by the majority of nodes
db.collection.insertOne({ data: "example" }, { writeConcern: { w: "majority" } });

By using appropriate read and write concern settings, you can control the trade-off between data consistency and performance, ensuring that your application meets its availability and durability requirements.

Implementing replica sets and understanding read and write concern settings are crucial steps to ensure high availability and data integrity in your MongoDB deployment.

6. Security Measures:

Security Measures

Protect your MongoDB instance from unauthorized access:

  • Authentication and Authorization: Require authentication for all connections and implement role-based access control (RBAC). 🔐

MongoDB supports authentication and role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure that only authorized users can access and perform actions on the database.

Enabling Authentication:

To enable authentication, you need to start your MongoDB instance with the --auth flag.

mongod --auth --dbpath /path/to/data

Creating Users and Assigning Roles:

After enabling authentication, you can create users and assign specific roles to control their access.

// Connect to the admin database as a user with root privileges
mongo admin -u admin -p

// Create a user with read and write access to a specific database
user: "myappuser",
pwd: "mypassword",
roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "myappdb" }]
  • Network Isolation: Place your MongoDB instance behind a firewall and restrict incoming connections. 🛡️️

Restricting incoming connections to your MongoDB instance using firewalls adds an extra layer of security.

Firewall Configuration:

Configure your firewall to allow connections only from trusted IP addresses.

For example, on Linux using iptables:

# Allow connections from a specific IP address to port 27017
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 27017 -s trusted_ip_address -j ACCEPT

# Drop connections to port 27017 from other sources
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 27017 -j DROP

By configuring your firewall, you ensure that only authorized clients can access your MongoDB instance.

These security measures, authentication with RBAC, and network isolation, help protect your MongoDB data from unauthorized access and potential security breaches. It’s essential to implement them to ensure the safety and integrity of your database environment.

7. Regular Maintenance:

Regular Maintenance

Maintain your MongoDB database to prevent performance degradation:

  • Regular Backups: Perform regular backups to ensure data recoverability in case of data loss. 📂

Performing regular backups is crucial to ensure that you can recover your data in case of data loss or other failures.

Backup Using mongodump:

You can use the mongodump tool to create a backup of your MongoDB data.

mongodump --db myappdb --out /path/to/backup/directory

This command creates a backup of the myappdb database and stores it in the specified directory.

  • Monitoring and Profiling: Use MongoDB’s built-in monitoring and profiling tools to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks. 📊

Monitoring and profiling your MongoDB database helps you identify performance issues and bottlenecks.

Viewing Current Operations:

You can use the currentOp command to view the current operations being executed on the server.


Enabling Profiling:

MongoDB provides a profiling feature that records performance statistics for database operations.

// Enable profiling to capture slow operations
db.setProfilingLevel(1, { slowms: 100 });

By setting the profiling level to 1 and specifying a threshold of 100 milliseconds, MongoDB will capture operations taking longer than 100ms.

Viewing Profiling Data:

You can retrieve profiling data from the system.profile collection.

db.system.profile.find().limit(10).sort({ ts: -1 });

Regularly monitoring your database using tools like currentOp and enabling profiling helps you identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your queries.

By performing regular backups and monitoring your database’s performance, you ensure the availability, recoverability, and optimal operation of your MongoDB environment.


By following these MongoDB best practices, you can optimize the performance, scalability, and reliability of your applications. From efficient data modeling to proper indexing and scaling, these guidelines will help you build applications that leverage MongoDB’s strengths while mitigating potential pitfalls. Remember that each application is unique, so tailor these practices to suit your specific needs and project requirements. Happy coding! 🛠️

Thank You
Thank you for taking this journey with me. Keep coding, keep learning, and stay curious!



Smit Patel
Smit Patel

Written by Smit Patel

Passionate about crafting efficient and scalable solutions to solve complex problems. Follow me for practical tips and deep dives into cutting-edge technologies

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