REST API vs. GraphQL: Unraveling the Web of APIs šŸŒšŸ”„

Smit Patel
7 min readAug 27, 2023


In the vast landscape of web development, two superheroes have emerged to battle it out for the crown of API supremacy: REST and GraphQL. šŸ¦øā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’„ But fear not, fellow developers, for in this blog, weā€™ll break down the battle between these two contenders and help you decide which one suits your needs best. Letā€™s dive into the showdown of REST API vs. GraphQL! šŸ„ŠšŸ¤–

Round 1: Introduction

REST API (Representational State Transfer) šŸ“”

REST has been the reigning champ for years. It relies on HTTP methods to perform actions on resources using simple and predictable endpoints. Each endpoint represents a resource, and CRUD operations are mapped to HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

GraphQL šŸ•øļø

GraphQL, the challenger, arrived with a fresh perspective. It allows clients to request exactly what data they need, and nothing more. Instead of multiple endpoints, GraphQL offers a single endpoint for querying and mutating data. This flexible and efficient approach has gained popularity rapidly.

Round 2: Data Fetching


In REST, fetching data often leads to over-fetching or under-fetching. For instance, if you request a userā€™s profile, you might get more data than you need. This can lead to slower performance and increased data usage.

GraphQL šŸ“¤

GraphQL eliminates over-fetching and under-fetching. Clients specify the structure and fields they need in the query, which results in precise data retrieval. This reduces the number of requests and optimizes data fetching.

Example (Using Node.js):

Imagine fetching a userā€™s profile and their recent posts.


GET /api/users/123
GET /api/users/123/posts


query {
user(id: 123) {
posts(last: 5) {

Round 3: Performance


REST can suffer from over-fetching and under-fetching, impacting performance. Multiple requests are often needed to assemble required data, leading to potential delays.

GraphQL āš”

GraphQLā€™s single-request approach reduces the number of round trips between the client and server. It allows clients to get all required data in a single request, improving performance.

letā€™s delve into examples to illustrate the performance differences between REST API and GraphQL in terms of over-fetching, under-fetching, and the number of round trips.

Over-fetching Example:

Imagine youā€™re building a blog application, and you need to display a list of blog posts with their titles and authorsā€™ names.


For each blog post, you might have an endpoint like /api/posts that returns the post's title, content, author's ID, and more.

GET /api/posts

// Response for each post:
"id": 1,
"title": "Introduction to GraphQL",
"content": "This is a blog post about GraphQL...",
"authorId": 123,
// other fields...

In this case, youā€™re over-fetching data because you requested the authorā€™s ID even though you only need their name.


With GraphQL, you can request exactly the data you need:

query {
posts {
author {

Here, you only fetch the post titles and the authorsā€™ names, preventing over-fetching.

Under-fetching Example:

Continuing with the blog application, letā€™s say you want to display a userā€™s profile along with their recent blog posts.


To achieve this with REST, you might first fetch the userā€™s profile and then fetch their recent posts separately:

GET /api/users/123
GET /api/users/123/posts

This leads to under-fetching because you didnā€™t get all the data you needed in the initial request.


GraphQL allows you to fetch both the userā€™s profile and their recent posts in a single query:

query {
user(id: 123) {
posts(last: 5) {

Here, you efficiently fetch all the required data in one go, reducing the number of requests and optimizing data retrieval.

Number of Round Trips:

Imagine youā€™re building a social media app, and you need to display a userā€™s profile, their posts, and the number of followers they have.


With REST, you might need multiple requests to get all the required data:

GET /api/users/123
GET /api/users/123/posts
GET /api/users/123/followers

Each request creates a round trip to the server, potentially causing delays.


GraphQLā€™s single-request approach helps reduce round trips:

query {
user(id: 123) {
posts {
followers {

Here, you can gather the userā€™s profile, posts, and followers count in a single query, minimizing round trips and improving performance.

In both the over-fetching and under-fetching examples, GraphQLā€™s ability to request precise data in one query proves advantageous. Additionally, the reduced number of round trips in GraphQL queries contributes to improved performance compared to REST APIā€™s potentially multiple requests.

Round 4: Versioning


Versioning in REST often involves creating new endpoints (e.g., /v1/users and /v2/users) to support changes. This can lead to code duplication and maintenance challenges.

GraphQL šŸ†™

GraphQL avoids versioning issues by allowing clients to request only the required fields. When the server evolves, clients can request new fields without requiring versioned endpoints.

Imagine youā€™re developing an e-commerce platform where you have an endpoint to fetch product details.


Initially, you design a REST endpoint to fetch product details like this:

GET /api/v1/products/123

Later, you decide to enhance the product details by including customer reviews. You need to make this enhancement while ensuring backward compatibility for existing clients.

Versioning in REST:

To accommodate the change and maintain backward compatibility, you might create a new versioned endpoint:

GET /api/v2/products/123

This approach leads to code duplication and maintenance challenges, as you have to manage both versions separately.


With GraphQL, versioning becomes a different story. Since clients can request exactly the fields they need, you can introduce new fields without breaking existing queries.

Initially, your GraphQL query might look like this:

query {
product(id: 123) {

When itā€™s time to add reviews to the product, you simply extend the query:

query {
product(id: 123) {
reviews {

Thereā€™s no need for versioned endpoints; clients can adapt to changes by requesting the new fields when needed. This flexibility eliminates versioning-related challenges seen in REST APIs.

Round 5: Complex Relationships


Dealing with complex relationships in REST APIs can result in a proliferation of endpoints. Navigating nested resources can become convoluted.

GraphQL šŸŒ

GraphQL excels in handling complex relationships. Clients can define deep nested queries, and the server resolves the data structure accordingly.


Imagine youā€™re building a social networking platform where users can create posts and comment on each otherā€™s posts.


In a RESTful setup, dealing with complex relationships often leads to a proliferation of endpoints, and navigating nested resources can become complex.

For instance, to fetch a userā€™s posts along with the comments on each post, you might need to make multiple requests:

Get userā€™s posts:

GET /api/users/123/posts

For each post, get comments:

GET /api/posts/456/comments

This approach results in multiple requests and can become cumbersome as the relationships deepen.


With GraphQL, handling complex relationships becomes much more elegant.

query {
user(id: 123) {
posts {
comments {
author {

In this single GraphQL query, youā€™re fetching a userā€™s name, their posts with titles, and for each post, youā€™re getting the commentsā€™ text along with the authorā€™s name. This deep nesting is effortless in GraphQL, and the server resolves the data structure as requested.

This example showcases GraphQLā€™s ability to gracefully navigate and retrieve data from complex relationships in a single query. It eliminates the need for multiple round trips and the proliferation of endpoints associated with REST APIs when dealing with such scenarios.

Round 6: Learning Curve


RESTā€™s simplicity makes it easy to understand, especially for beginners. The concepts of endpoints and HTTP methods are familiar to most developers.

GraphQL šŸ“–

GraphQL introduces new concepts like schemas and resolvers, which can have a steeper learning curve. However, the benefits it offers can outweigh the initial challenges.

type User {
id: ID
name: String
playlists: [Playlist]

type Playlist {
id: ID
name: String
tracks: [Track]

type Track {
id: ID
title: String
artist: String

type Query {
user(id: ID): User

type Mutation {
createUser(name: String): User


In the epic showdown between REST API and GraphQL, thereā€™s no definitive winner. The choice between the two depends on your projectā€™s requirements, complexity, and performance considerations. REST API remains a solid choice for simpler applications, while GraphQL shines in scenarios where flexibility and efficiency are paramount.

So, whether youā€™re cheering for the RESTful veteran or the GraphQL upstart, remember that both have their strengths and weaknesses. Choose wisely, and may your APIs be ever efficient, and your endpoints be ever RESTful or GraphQLish! šŸ„‡šŸš€



Smit Patel

Passionate about crafting efficient and scalable solutions to solve complex problems. Follow me for practical tips and deep dives into cutting-edge technologies