Turbocharge Your Angular App: Unleash Cutting-Edge Performance Optimization! 🚀

Smit Patel
4 min readAug 15, 2023


In the fast-paced world of web development, delivering high-performance applications is key to providing an exceptional user experience. Angular, a popular JavaScript framework, empowers developers to build dynamic and feature-rich apps. However, with great power comes great responsibility — optimizing the performance of your Angular app is crucial to ensure snappy loading times and smooth interactions. In this blog, we’ll delve into some top-notch performance optimization techniques that will make your Angular app lightning-fast! ⚡

Angular App Optimization

Lazy Loading Modules: 📦

Lazy loading involves loading specific modules only when they are needed. This technique minimizes the initial load time of your app by loading only the essential components first and deferring the loading of less critical sections until they are required.

Lazy Loading

Example: Suppose you have an e-commerce app with a separate module for the shopping cart. Instead of loading the cart module upfront, you can lazy load it when the user navigates to the cart page:

const routes: Routes = [
// ...
{ path: 'cart', loadChildren: () => import('./cart/cart.module').then(m => m.CartModule) },

AOT Compilation 🛠️

Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation compiles your Angular app’s code before it’s executed by the browser, resulting in faster loading times.

AOT Compilation

Example: When building your app, use the --aot flag to enable AOT compilation:

ng build --aot

Tree Shaking: 🌳

Tree shaking eliminates unused code from your app’s bundles, reducing the overall size of your application.

Example: When importing from a library, only import the specific functions or components you need, rather than importing the entire library:

// Instead of this:
import { SharedModule } from 'my-library';

// Do this:
import { SpecificComponent } from 'my-library';

Optimize Images: 🌄

Implement lazy loading for images that appear below the fold. This defers the loading of images until they are about to enter the user’s viewport.

Optimize Images

Example: Before using an image in your Angular component, ensure its properly optimized:

alt="My Image"

Integrate image optimization libraries directly into your Angular app to automate the optimization process. One such library is ngx-image-compress.

npm install ngx-image-compress
// In your Angular component
import { NgxImageCompressService } from 'ngx-image-compress';

constructor(private imageCompress: NgxImageCompressService) {}

compressImage(originalImage: File): void {
this.imageCompress.compressFile(originalImage, -1, 50, 50).then(
result => {
// Handle the compressed image (result)

Change Detection Strategies: 🔄

By utilizing OnPush change detection, you can limit change detection to components that rely on input properties.

Change Detection

Example: In your component, set the change detection strategy to OnPush:

selector: 'app-example',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
// ...

Caching: 🗂️

Leverage browser caching to store frequently accessed assets locally, reducing the need to repeatedly download them.


Example: Set appropriate caching headers in your server response:

// Express.js example
app.use(express.static('public', { maxAge: 3600000 })); // Cache for 1 hour

Minification and Compression: 📦

Minify your JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files and enable Gzip or Brotli compression on your server.

Minification and Compression

Example: In your Angular CLI configuration, enable compression:

// angular.json
// ...
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"optimization": true,
"outputHashing": "all",
"sourceMap": false,
// ...

Angular Universal for Server-side Rendering: 🌐

Angular Universal enables server-side rendering (SSR), which renders your app on the server before sending it to the client.

Example: Implementing Angular Universal requires setting up a server-side rendering configuration. You can follow Angular’s official documentation for step-by-step guidance.

Angular — Server-side rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal


Optimizing the performance of your Angular application isn’t just about speed — it’s about providing an exceptional user experience. By implementing these performance optimization techniques, you can ensure your app loads quickly, responds seamlessly, and keeps users engaged. Remember, the journey to a faster Angular app begins with these techniques, but continuous monitoring and adaptation are essential to stay ahead in the performance game. Happy optimizing! 🚀👩‍💻👨‍💻



Smit Patel

Passionate about crafting efficient and scalable solutions to solve complex problems. Follow me for practical tips and deep dives into cutting-edge technologies